jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

I thought Bogota had the best parks--------> UNTIL I MET ORLANDO

Recently, I had the opportunity of traveling to the United States with my best friend, my second time visiting this country, but the first time traveling with another family. I stayed in an apartment in Pompano Beach, close to Ft. Lauderdale, an extremely beautiful place; in here I did a lot of things but the principal one: SHOPPING AS A MANIAC… Ohh there were just so many things to buy, that just money and time weren’t enough! Everything was simply amazing. But really the most shocking part of the whole trip, was when I arrived to the shining hotel of Orlando, and realized that I was 1 kilometer away from two of the greatest parks in the whole town, Universal studios and Island of Adventure, I couldn’t believe I was actually staying in one of the hotels of these parks and that I could go to any of them whenever I wanted. That night I slept as baby, and in the morning I woke up early with Juliana and immediately went to de dining room, I could began smelling the hot bacon and the fresh bread when I was walking through the hall, and when I arrived to that room I could see in front of me the greatest buffet I’ve ever seen, it was amazing, it had everything a person could ask for a breakfast: since the big and puffy pancakes to the classic bowl of cereal, JUST DELICIOUS, I was also a little bit satisfied because I could finally discover the reason of obesity in the United States, it’s just everything is so irresistible!! Ha ha ha. Well after we finished having breakfast, we were ready for enjoying each of the moments in the parks, we decided to walk, so we did some exercise and give the food time to digest because we didn’t wanted to throw up in the roller coasters isn’t it? Ha ha ha... that day we visited Universal Studios, WHAT A GREAT PARK AND ATRACTIONS, there were great, I loved them, I found a great variety of them, since the ones for children’s like the Muppets Show, to those you only have to watch like Twister. There were all fabulous, but besides any of these ones, there was one that shined over the rest, The Mummy, it was a roller coaster, and I repeated the trip so many times that I founded with Juliana, the place in which the camera captured the picture, it was really fun because after a while we decided to smile at the camera and each time we saw the shots at the end of the attraction we were the only ones smiling, meanwhile each of the other faces were of physical HORROR, it was really awesome!! The total score of the fun we had today was 10 out of 10! It was great and better with my best friend, but the only problem was that I got exhausted to the hotel and the only thing I wanted to do was sleeping! ZzZzZ!! So sweet dreams Orlando!

The next day I woke up with much more energy, which duplicated when I ate the big and puffy pancakes with the hot bacon and sausage from the buffet of the past day, good news! The food was still irresistible JUMM! That day we also walked to the park, more exercise in our vacation, well we also made exercise in the parks because we had to walk all the time from one attraction to the other one, it was really stressful but the effort was valuable, because the attractions were ten times better in this park, and as I saw the activities we could do, I was each time more astonished with it!.. Unimaginable! From the outside part of the park it was possible to see the greatest roller coaster I’ve ever seen, it was green and each time it began a new trip it sounded like a monster roaring it was really terrifying. When I entered to the park I took a map because we couldn’t lose any of the attractions, all of them were lovable! We decided to do first the part of the water attractions, where we had to get wet, Ohh every single one was delicious because that was a really hot day, and a little bit of water will make no damage, well really, would make us a favor! Until know this first part of the day in Island of Adventure was extremely adventurous Ha ha ha…but we were still missing more than a half of the attractions, so we decided to went back to the hotel to eat something, change the wet clothes and come back to finish our fun tour. We did all of our “To do list” in less than one hour and immediately came back to the park, that was waiting for us. I could say that every single attraction was spectacular, each one had its own magic, but there were 2 enormous roller coasters with the ones I fell in love, its names were: Hulk and The Fighting Dragons. I had a special pass that allow us to go through a special line, were we didn’t had to wait, so we take advantage of that and drive on each roller coasters about 6 or 7 times without exaggerating, it was brutally terrifying but awesome..! Ohh this day was perfect, extremely fun, I love it, what a great attractions! Especially the ones I mentioned… I highly recommend these place for those who like adventure, because the total score of fun of this day was 20 out of 10.. and from the whole trip 100 out of 10! Supernatural..!

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

An Alaskan paradise: Much better than a beach!...FD

Before arriving to the next destiny in the journey I constantly asked to myself that day “When are we arriving?” I loved the cruise, and everything in it, especially because I was with my best friend Juliana and we could do whatever we liked. But I was really happy and anxious for arriving to the next town and most when I noticed that the time of standing on top of this magnificent and enormous piece of ice had come. The last hour before going down of the cruise was eternal, I looked at my watch each five minutes, or well, what I could think were five minutes, but time didn’t passed, not even one of those five I expected. I stood up I sat down, I ate my breakfast and even had a desert, until finally the voice in the whole ship called us to go down to the town, I thought, “Finally we are here”

I got down and stepped land as quick as I could not only for the emotion but because I got a little bit dizzy with the sea. We had to wait approximately 10 minutes for the bus to arrive, but, since this moment every hour looked like a minute, time always won me...

In the less expected moment, I was putting my special shoes for attaching firmly to the icy floor of the glacier, and for preventing any stupid tragedy, like slipping. I was also checking everything being fine, and me traveling with the necessary equipment, such as my camera. In a blink of an eye, the loud voice sounded again, it was our turn to fly in the helicopter, I couldn’t wait much, but unfortunately I had to, the long talk of the set of instructions was missing, meanwhile I thought: “Ohh hell, why me?”

When this long term of time ended, I could finally jump into the helicopter, Ohh it was awesome, and unimaginable experience, the way I felt was just out of my words, I felt like a hummingbird, just bigger and a little bit more sophisticated. I had a magnificent view from the sky, I could see perfectly everything, and when we were arriving to the glacier I could see the enormous piece of ice just exposing its notable presence and expanding its freezing climate. Jumping a little bit more to the adventure, I could say the first step I took on top of the ice was tremendous, with those special shoes and all of the equipment I still nearly fall, and I couldn’t imagine how on earth I could feel so could if I had 2 t-shirts, 2 jumpers, a hat, gloves and obviously my pants, I just couldn’t realize how the freezing wind could go through all of this clothes, it was incredible, I couldn’t believe it.

But well, taking aside the factor of the cold and the slippery floor, the glacier was simply fantastic, a natural beauty, a tropical phenomenon, it was just so gigantic, so powerful, but at the same time so calm, I thought I was stepping on top of a place we can only see in our biggest dreams or in our deepest fantasy stories.

All the time I waited and all the emotion I had were extremely valuable, I never imagined I could live something just like that, so fantastic, as a dream, one of the most beautiful dreams. I highly recommend this place for those who admire nature and its big curiosities such as a glacier and the feeling of stepping on top of it. So if you want more than a beach, visit the Alaskan paradise, a place with no barriers.